13 Parts of a Business Letter with Its Examples

WritingSkills.my.id -  The following is a list of parts of a business letter for your reference to start writing a standard business ...
13 Parts of a Business Letter & Letter Example

WritingSkills.my.id -  The following is a list of parts of a business letter for your reference to start writing a standard business letter. To make it easier to understand, I have put a picture of a business letter example that includes numbers in accordance with the these 13 parts of a business letter.

13 Parts of a Business Letter & Letter Example
Letter Example: 13 Parts of a Business Letter

13 Parts of a Business Letter

1. Letterhead

This part is already printed by a company as its identity. Letterhead is only for the first page of a business letter.

2. Dateline

Dateline is the date when the letter is printed. Dateline is typed with some space under the letterhead.

3. Inside Address

Inside address is the address of the recipient, and actually the same address written on the envelope.

4. Attention Line

Attention line is not always included in a business letter. Actually, attention line is included when the letter is not generally addressed to a company, but to a specific person in the company. Attention line must be typed with capital letters and be underlined.

5. Salutation

There are various salutations which are used for politeness and formality of a business letter. The examples of salutations are "Dear Sir," "Dear Madam," "Dear Sir or Madam," "Gentlemen," "Gentlemen and Ladies". However, if the recipient is known to the writer, the best way is to write the recipient's name after the word "dear". If the recipient's name is unknown, the best way is to mention his/her position or employment.

6. Subject Line

Subject line is often omitted in a business letter. However, if it is included, it will add politeness value of a business letter. The recipient will know directly the things that will be presented in the letter. Therefore, the recipient understands the urgency of the letter. Subject line is typed with capital letters and is underlined. 

7. Body

Body is the part where the content of the letter is placed: messages or intention which will be presented.

8. Complimentary Closing

Complimentary closing is a formal and polite method to end a business letter. The standard complimentary closings often used are "Yours truly," or "Truly yours," "Sincerely yours," "Respectfully yours," and so on. It is better to avoid using too familiar complimentary closings, except for certain situation. "Best wishes," for example, can be used if the reader of the letter is known well to the writer. Greetings such as "Fondly" or "Love" are intended for intimate relationship.

9. Signature

In a formal business letter, the signature of the writer must be included. In this case, the signer of the letter represents his/her company or position, not personal.

10. Signer's Identification

The signer Identification such as name and position is a must in a formal business letter. This part is typed under the signature.

11. Reference Initials

In an English business letter, as seen in the picture above, the signer's initials are included. The initials are typed with capital letters and followed by a slash (/) or colon (:), and then by the letter typist's initials in lowercase. Thus, it can be known the persons who prepare the letter.

12. Enclosure Reminder

In an English business letter, Enclosure is placed on the bottom left, above the "CC" notation. The purpose of enclosure reminder is to remind the reader not to ignore other pages, besides the main page of the letter.

13. "CC" Notation

As a formal and polite business letter, this part automatically tells the reader that the letter is also sent to other people written on the "CC" notation list. "CC" stands for "Carbon Copy".



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My Writing Skills: 13 Parts of a Business Letter with Its Examples
13 Parts of a Business Letter with Its Examples
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