100+ Most Common French Words and Phrases in English with Meanings

WritingSkills.my.id - There are many foreign words and phrases from other languages, including French , which have been absorbed and integr...
100+ Most Common French Foreign Words and Phrases in English & Meaning

WritingSkills.my.id - There are many foreign words and phrases from other languages, including French, which have been absorbed and integrated into English language. In many instances, the English and French are similar and the only difference is the pronunciation. In the table below, I have listed the assimilated foreign words and phrases from French which are frequently used in English. There are also meanings for each French words or phrases.

Common French Foreign Words and Phrases A-Z

French Word(s) or Phrase(s)

Meaning(s) in English

abattoir public slaughterhouse
à bon marché at a good bargain; cheap
acharnement ferocity
accouchement lying-in; delivery
à deux for two; between two
affaire d'amour a love affair
affaire d'honneur duel
affaire du cœur an affair of the heart
à la bonne heure in good time; timely
à la Française after the French mode or fashion
à la mode in fashion
Allons Let us go.
amende honorable satisfactory apology; reparation
amor patriae love of one's own country; patriotism
amour propre self-love; vanity
ancien régime ancient order of things
à outrance to the utmost
à peu près nearly
à pied on foot
aplomb perpendicularly
à propos de rien apropos of nothing
à toute outrance to the utmost
au bon droit to the just right
au contraire on the contrary
au courant at the present time
au fait well-instructed; expert
au fond at the bottom; in the main
au pis aller at the worst
au reste as for the rest
Au revoir Adieu till we meet again.
avant-coureur forerunner
beau monde the fashionable world
beaux esprits men of wit; a witty person
beaux yeux beautiful eyes; that is, attractive looks
bel esprit a brilliant mind; a wit
bon ami good friend
bon gré, mal gré willing or unwilling
bonhomie good nature; simplicity
bonjour good day; good morning
bonne bouche a delicate morsel
bonne foi good faith
bon mot clever saying; witty remark
bonsoir good evening
bon voyage good-bye; good luck; pleasant trip
c'est-à-dire that is to say
C'en est fait de lui. It is all over with him.
C'est une autre chose. That is a different thing.
chacun à son goût every one to his taste
chateaux en Espagne castles in Spain; the land of romance;
castles in the air
chef-d'œuvre a masterpiece
chemin de fer iron road, i.e. railroad
chère amie a mistress
chose jugée things that is idle to discuss, as already settled
conseil d'État council of state
corps diplomatique a diplomatic body
coup de maître a master-stroke
coup d'essai a first attempt
coup d'état stroke of policy
coûte que coûte cost what it may; at all costs
cuisine a kitchen; cookery; food
d'accord agreed; in tune
dehors without (on the outside); out of
de mal en pis from bad to worse
Dieu avec nous. God with us.
Dieu defend le droit. God defends the right.
Dieu vous garde. God protect you.
double entente double meaning; a play on words
eau-de-vie brandy
élève a pupil; a foster child
en arrière in the rear
en attendant in the meantime
en avant Forward (March!)
en fin at last; finally
en plein jour in broad daylight
en règle in order; according to rule
en route on the way
en vérité in truth; verily
Faire sans dire. Act and say nothing.
faire son devoir to do his duty
fait accompli a thing already done
femme de chambre a chambermaid
fille de chambre a chambermaid
fille de joie a prostitute
fille d'honneur maid of honor
garçon a boy, or waiter
garde du corps a bodyguard
gardez bien take good care
Grâce à Dieu Thanks to God.
guerre à mort war to the death
guerre à outrance war to the utmost
homme d'affaires a man of affairs; a businessman
homme d'esprit a man of talent
hors de combat out of condition to fight
hôtel de ville town hall
Je ne sais quoi I know not what.
jeu de mots a play on words; a pun
jeu d'esprit witticism
laissez-aller unconstraint; free manners or conduct
laissez-faire government abstention from interference
with individual action especially
in commerce
le beau monde the fashionable world
Le plus sage ne le sont pas toujours The wisest are not always so.
Liberté, égalité, fraternité Liberty, equality, fraternity
louis d'or former French gold coin
ma chère my dear
mon ami my dear friend
mot witty saying
n'importe it matters not; it doesn't matter
nom de guerre a war name; a traveling title, a pseudonym
nom de plume a pen name; an assumed title
on-dit they say; hence, a flying rumour
par excellence by way of eminence
parole d’honneur word of honour
peu à peu little by little
pour faire visite to pay a visit
quelque chose a trifle; something; anything
qui vive 1. Who goes there?
2. on the qui vive (on the alert)
raison d'être what accounts for or justifies
or has caused a thing's existence
raisonné logical; arranged systematically,
or according to classes or subjects
régie state tobacco monopoly in some countries
retroussé turned up (of nose)
revenant one returned from the dead or exile etc.
revue loosely constructed play or series of scenes
or spectacles satirizing current events
sans cérémonie without ceremony
sans pareil without equal
sans-souci free from care
toupet front of false hair
tout à l’heure instantly
tout au contraire quite the contrary
tout court in the simplest form
tout de même precisely the same
tout de suite immediately
tout ensemble the whole taken together
trottoir pavement, sidewalk
un fait accompli an accomplished fact
ventre à terre at utmost speed
vis-à-vis facing; opposite
Vive le roi! Long live the king!
voilà behold; there is, there are
vraisemblance appearance of truth; plausible appearance;
wagon-lit railroad sleeping car
xénophobe xenophobia, hatred of foreigners
xylophone xylophone
yacht yacht (boat for pleasure trips or racing)



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My Writing Skills: 100+ Most Common French Words and Phrases in English with Meanings
100+ Most Common French Words and Phrases in English with Meanings
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