WritingSkills.my.id - There are many foreign words and phrases from other languages, including French , which have been absorbed and integr...
Common French Foreign Words and Phrases A-Z | |
French Word(s) or Phrase(s) |
Meaning(s) in English |
abattoir | public slaughterhouse |
à bon marché | at a good bargain; cheap |
acharnement | ferocity |
accouchement | lying-in; delivery |
à deux | for two; between two |
affaire d'amour | a love affair |
affaire d'honneur | duel |
affaire du cœur | an affair of the heart |
à la bonne heure | in good time; timely |
à la Française | after the French mode or fashion |
à la mode | in fashion |
Allons | Let us go. |
amende honorable | satisfactory apology; reparation |
amor patriae | love of one's own country; patriotism |
amour propre | self-love; vanity |
ancien régime | ancient order of things |
à outrance | to the utmost |
à peu près | nearly |
à pied | on foot |
aplomb | perpendicularly |
à propos de rien | apropos of nothing |
à toute outrance | to the utmost |
au bon droit | to the just right |
au contraire | on the contrary |
au courant | at the present time |
au fait | well-instructed; expert |
au fond | at the bottom; in the main |
au pis aller | at the worst |
au reste | as for the rest |
Au revoir | Adieu till we meet again. |
avant-coureur | forerunner |
beau monde | the fashionable world |
beaux esprits | men of wit; a witty person |
beaux yeux | beautiful eyes; that is, attractive looks |
bel esprit | a brilliant mind; a wit |
bon ami | good friend |
bon gré, mal gré | willing or unwilling |
bonhomie | good nature; simplicity |
bonjour | good day; good morning |
bonne bouche | a delicate morsel |
bonne foi | good faith |
bon mot | clever saying; witty remark |
bonsoir | good evening |
bon voyage | good-bye; good luck; pleasant trip |
c'est-à-dire | that is to say |
C'en est fait de lui. | It is all over with him. |
C'est une autre chose. | That is a different thing. |
chacun à son goût | every one to his taste |
chateaux en Espagne | castles in Spain; the land of romance; castles in the air |
chef-d'œuvre | a masterpiece |
chemin de fer | iron road, i.e. railroad |
chère amie | a mistress |
chose jugée | things that is idle to discuss, as already settled |
conseil d'État | council of state |
corps diplomatique | a diplomatic body |
coup de maître | a master-stroke |
coup d'essai | a first attempt |
coup d'état | stroke of policy |
coûte que coûte | cost what it may; at all costs |
cuisine | a kitchen; cookery; food |
d'accord | agreed; in tune |
dehors | without (on the outside); out of |
de mal en pis | from bad to worse |
Dieu avec nous. | God with us. |
Dieu defend le droit. | God defends the right. |
Dieu vous garde. | God protect you. |
double entente | double meaning; a play on words |
eau-de-vie | brandy |
élève | a pupil; a foster child |
en arrière | in the rear |
en attendant | in the meantime |
en avant | Forward (March!) |
en fin | at last; finally |
en plein jour | in broad daylight |
en règle | in order; according to rule |
en route | on the way |
en vérité | in truth; verily |
Faire sans dire. | Act and say nothing. |
faire son devoir | to do his duty |
fait accompli | a thing already done |
femme de chambre | a chambermaid |
fille de chambre | a chambermaid |
fille de joie | a prostitute |
fille d'honneur | maid of honor |
garçon | a boy, or waiter |
garde du corps | a bodyguard |
gardez bien | take good care |
Grâce à Dieu | Thanks to God. |
guerre à mort | war to the death |
guerre à outrance | war to the utmost |
homme d'affaires | a man of affairs; a businessman |
homme d'esprit | a man of talent |
hors de combat | out of condition to fight |
hôtel de ville | town hall |
Je ne sais quoi | I know not what. |
jeu de mots | a play on words; a pun |
jeu d'esprit | witticism |
laissez-aller | unconstraint; free manners or conduct |
laissez-faire | government abstention from interference with individual action especially in commerce |
le beau monde | the fashionable world |
Le plus sage ne le sont pas toujours | The wisest are not always so. |
Liberté, égalité, fraternité | Liberty, equality, fraternity |
louis d'or | former French gold coin |
ma chère | my dear |
mon ami | my dear friend |
mot | witty saying |
n'importe | it matters not; it doesn't matter |
nom de guerre | a war name; a traveling title, a pseudonym |
nom de plume | a pen name; an assumed title |
on-dit | they say; hence, a flying rumour |
par excellence | by way of eminence |
parole d’honneur | word of honour |
peu à peu | little by little |
pour faire visite | to pay a visit |
quelque chose | a trifle; something; anything |
qui vive | 1. Who goes there? 2. on the qui vive (on the alert) |
raison d'être | what accounts for or justifies or has caused a thing's existence |
raisonné | logical; arranged systematically, or according to classes or subjects |
régie | state tobacco monopoly in some countries |
retroussé | turned up (of nose) |
revenant | one returned from the dead or exile etc. |
revue | loosely constructed play or series of scenes or spectacles satirizing current events |
sans cérémonie | without ceremony |
sans pareil | without equal |
sans-souci | free from care |
toupet | front of false hair |
tout à l’heure | instantly |
tout au contraire | quite the contrary |
tout court | in the simplest form |
tout de même | precisely the same |
tout de suite | immediately |
tout ensemble | the whole taken together |
trottoir | pavement, sidewalk |
un fait accompli | an accomplished fact |
ventre à terre | at utmost speed |
vis-à-vis | facing; opposite |
Vive le roi! | Long live the king! |
voilà | behold; there is, there are |
vraisemblance | appearance of truth; plausible appearance; verisimilitude |
wagon-lit | railroad sleeping car |
xénophobe | xenophobia, hatred of foreigners |
xylophone | xylophone |
yacht | yacht (boat for pleasure trips or racing) |