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Entrepreneur Profile Form Example - Ms. Word Template Download

WritingSkills.my.id - Entrepreneur profile is an overview of general information about yourself, and the business that you possess.

The characteristics of an entrepreneur are as follow:
  1. Having the courage in making decisions and facing risks.
  2. Having creative power and high innovation.
  3. Being able to think for a long-term period and for the future.
  4. Having leadership spirit.
  5. Having enthusiasm and strong will.
  6. Being able to analyze quickly.
  7. Having economical and not consumptive characteristic.

The importance of having the profile of an entrepreneur is as follows:
  1. Showing valid information.
  2. Introducing the goods and/or services offered.
  3. Making your branding better.

Below is an example of form for entrepreneur profile which can be used to collect important information, or give you ideas for a good entrepreneur profile. You can also download the template in Microsoft Word .docx format.

1. Full Name…………..………
2. Gender…………..………
3. Marital Status • Married
• Not Married
4. Age• < 20 years old
• 21 – 30 years old
• 31– 40 years old
• 40 – 50 years old
• > 50 years old
5. Studied • Elementary
• Junior High
• Senior High
• Diploma
• S1 (Undergraduate)
• S2 (Post-Graduate)
• S3 (Doctorate)
6. Religion …………..………
7. Place/Date of Birth …………..………,  …… / ……………………… / ………
8. Address …………..………
9. Village …………..………
10. Sub-District …………..………
11. City …………..………
12. Province …………..………
13. Zip Code …………..………
14. Longer in Business ………. Years
15. Name of Business/Product …………..………
16. Start a Business (DD/MM/YYYY) …… / …………………….… / ….……
17. Company Address …………..………
18. Village …………..………
19. Sub-District …………..………
20. City …………..………
21. Province …………..………
22. Zip Code …………..………
23. Number of Employees …………  Peoples.
24. Number of Branches …………  Units.
25. Phone …………..………
26. E-mail …………..………
27. Company Website …………..………

Helmi Fauziridwan
Helmi Fauziridwan Aku adalah seorang blogger yang ingin berbagi inspirasi kepada semua orang dengan membuat tulisan-tulisan yang bermanfaat.

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