52 Mostly Used Contractions in English and Examples

WritingSkills.my.id - Contractions is one type of abbreviations . In this post, I will explain the definition of contractions, and a...
List of Popular Contractions in English & 4 Kinds of Abbreviations (Examples)

WritingSkills.my.id - Contractions is one type of abbreviations. In this post, I will explain the definition of contractions, and a list of the contractions that are very popular in everyday English language.

Contractions are abbreviated forms in which letters from the middle of the full form have been omitted, for example:
  • Dr. is a familiar contraction of doctor. 
  • St. is a familiar contraction of saint or street.
Such forms are invariably followed by a period.
Another kind of contraction is the type with an apostrophe marking the omission of letters.

Contraction is a shortened word, that is a shortened form or shortening of a word or phrase, such as:
  • "she'll" for "she will"
  • "can't" for "cannot"
  • "didn't" for "did not"
  • "you've" for "you have"

In English, the omitted letter or letters are usually marked with an apostrophe or a period, depending on the type of contraction.

The following is a list of commonly used contractions in English:
  1. aren't = are not
  2. can't = cannot
  3. couldn't = could not
  4. didn't = did not
  5. doesn't = does not
  6. don't = do not
  7. hadn't = had not
  8. hasn't = has not
  9. he'd = he had; he would
  10. he'll = he will
  11. haven't = have not
  12. he's = he is; he has
  13. here's = here is
  14. I'd = I had; I would; I should
  15. I'll = I will; I shall
  16. I'm = I am
  17. isn't = is not
  18. it'd = it had; it would
  19. it'll = it will
  20. I've = I have
  21. let's = let us
  22. ma'am = madam
  23. mustn't = must not
  24. needn't = need not
  25. oughtn't = ought not
  26. shan't = shall not
  27. she'd = she had; she would
  28. she'll = she will
  29. she's = she is; she has
  30. shouldn't = should not
  31. that'll = that will
  32. that's = that is; that has
  33. there's = there is
  34. they'd = they had; they would
  35. they'll = they will
  36. they're = they are
  37. they've = they have
  38. wasn't = was not
  39. we'd = we had; we would
  40. we'll = we will; we shall
  41. weren't = were not
  42. we've = we have
  43. what's = what is; what has
  44. where's = where is
  45. who's = who is; who has
  46. who've = who have
  47. won't = will not
  48. wouldn't = would not
  49. you'd = you had; you would
  50. you'll = you will
  51. you're = you are
  52. you've = you have



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My Writing Skills: 52 Mostly Used Contractions in English and Examples
52 Mostly Used Contractions in English and Examples
My Writing Skills
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