WritingSkills.my.id - Below is listed 8 circumstances when a word(s) is usually capitalized, and 1 circumstance when it is usually not. Ord...
Ordinarily Capitalized
The following are ordinarily capitalized:
1. The first word in a direct quotation within a sentence.
- He asked: "Are you going to help?"
2. Proper nouns and some adjectives formed from proper nouns unless use has made them so familiar that they are no longer associated with the original name.
- London
- Rockefeller Center
- France
- Maine
- Fifth Avenue
- Impressionism
But: diesel, ampere, hertz, ohm.
3. The names of organizations, institutions, government agencies, businesses, and holidays.
- Lever Brothers Company
- U.S. Small Business Administration
- Library of Congress
4. An official title used before the name of the person holding it.
- President James Johnson, founder of the Acme Company
- President Bush
- Governor Cuomo
- "Mr. Cuomo was elected governor of New York"
- "James Johnson, president and founder of the Acme Company"
5. Geographical terms when they are part of a proper name.
- Long Island Sound
- Mt. Hood
6. Sections of the country and world and adjectives derived from them when they refer to a specific geographical area.
- They live in the West.
- He is a Northerner.
- Southern California
7. Registered trademarks.
- Formica
- Frisbee
- Scotch Tape
8. The first and last word and all nouns, pronouns, verbs, adjectives, and all other words of five or more letters in titles and subtitles of books, magazines, newspapers, articles, essays, etc.
- His article is called: "Ten Tips to Better Business Writing and Technical Writing."
Not Ordinarily Capitalized
The following is not ordinarily capitalized:
• When they indicate direction, don't capitalize north, south, east, and west.
- Chicago is east of Denver.