WritingSkills.my.id - An effective business letter is based on 3 main things : Why is the letter written? What is needed by the recipient? ...
WritingSkills.my.id - An effective business letter is based on 3 main things:
- Why is the letter written?
- What is needed by the recipient?
- What must be communicated by the letter?
Every business letter must be clear, easily understood, and friendly. The most important thing is that the letter has a tone like someone is talking, so that the letter writer acts as if he/she is talking directly with the reader of the letter. In summary, there are "Seven C" in writing business letters, they are:
- Clear
- Concise
- Correct
- Courteous
- Conversational
- Convincing
- Complete
A business letter tries to convince its readers to give positive reaction. The reader will perceive as soon as possible if the meaning of the letter really clears to him/her. Friendly and conversational tone will be able to attract its reader's attention. A business letter must avoid impression that the writer of the letter represents his/her company which never makes mistakes and is always correct. The easy-going and too defensive tone must also be avoided and replaced by the honest and helpful tone.
The following are 5 steps which must be considered as an outline or guidance in the planning of business letter writing:
- Make a list of topic, without organizing them first.
- For every topic, make a list of keywords, examples, arguments, and facts.
- Match every topic in the outline with the purpose of the letter and its readers.
- Shove notes which are irrelevant with the purpose of the letter and its readers.
- Arrange the information chronologically according to the importance of the readers.