Old-Fashioned Business Phrases List (Antiquated Phrases)

WritingSkills.my.id - The following are  old-fashioned business phrases  or  antiquated business phrases . They sound stuffy and old; use t...
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases List (Antiquated Phrases)

WritingSkills.my.id - The following are old-fashioned business phrases or antiquated business phrases. They sound stuffy and old; use them sparingly, if at all! Read your copy out loud; if it doesn't sound like something you would say in a normal conversation, rewrite it.

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases List A-Z

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "A"

  1. according to our records
  2. acknowledge receipt of
  3. acknowledge with pleasure
  4. acknowledging yours of
  5. as captioned above
  6. as per
  7. as regards
  8. as stated above
  9. assuring you of
  10. at all times
  11. at an early date
  12. at hand
  13. at the present time
  14. at the present writing
  15. at this time
  16. at your convenience
  17. attached hereto
  18. attached herewith
  19. attached please find
  20. awaiting your further wishes
  21. awaiting your order
  22. awaiting your reply

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "B"

  1. beg to acknowledge
  2. beg to advise
  3. beg to assure
  4. beg to call your attention
  5. beg to confirm
  6. beg to state
  7. beg to suggest

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "C"

  1. carefully noted
  2. check to cover
  3. complying with your request
  4. concerning yours of
  5. contents noted
  6. contents duly noted
  7. continued patronage

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "D"

  1. deem (for think)
  2. desire to state
  3. due to the fact
  4. duly noted

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "E"

  1. enclosed find
  2. enclosed herewith
  3. enclosed please find
  4. esteemed favor
  5. esteemed order
  6. esteemed request

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "F"

  1. favor us with your order
  2. favor us with your reply
  3. for your files
  4. for your information

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "H"

  1. hand you herewith
  2. has come to hand
  3. have before us
  4. hereby advise
  5. hereby insist
  6. herewith enclose
  7. herewith find
  8. herewith please find
  9. hoping for your order
  10. hoping to receive

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "I"

  1. I am (ending last sentence)
  2. I beg to advise
  3. I have your letter of 
  4. I trust
  5. in accordance with
  6. in answer to same
  7. in answer to yours
  8. in conclusion would state
  9. in connection therewith
  10. in due course
  11. in due course of time
  12. in re
  13. in reference to
  14. in receipt of
  15. in reply would advise
  16. in reply would wish
  17. in response to yours
  18. in the amount of
  19. in the near future
  20. in this connection

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "K"

  1. kind indulgence
  2. kind order
  3. kindly advice
  4. kindly be advised
  5. kindly confirm same

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "L"

  1. looking forward to

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "M"

  1. may we suggest
  2. may we hope to receive
  3. meets your approval

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "O"

  1. of above date
  2. order has gone forward
  3. our Mr.____________________
  4. our line
  5. our records show

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "P"

  1. per
  2. permit us to remind
  3. please accept
  4. please advise (be advised)
  5. please find herewith
  6. please find enclosed
  7. please note
  8. please rest assured
  9. please return same
  10. pleasure of a reply
  11. proximo (prox.)
  12. pursuant to

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "R"

  1. re
  2. recent date
  3. referring to yours of
  4. regarding the matter
  5. regarding the above
  6. regarding said order
  7. regarding yours
  8. regret to advise
  9. regret to inform
  10. regret to state

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "S"

  1. said (the said regulation)
  2. same (regarding same)
  3. soliciting your advise
  4. soliciting your indulgence
  5. soliciting your patronage

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "T"

  1. take the pleasure in
  2. take the liberty of
  3. thank you kindly
  4. thanking you in anticipation
  5. thanking you in advance
  6. thanking you kindly
  7. the writer
  8. this is to acknowledge
  9. this is to advise
  10. trusting to have
  11. trusting to receive same

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "U"

  1. ultimo (ult.)
  2. under separate cover
  3. up to this writing

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "V"

  1. valued favor
  2. valued order
  3. valued patronage

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "W"

  1. we are (ending last sentence)
  2. we are pleased to advise
  3. we are pleased to note
  4. we have before us
  5. we remain (ending last sentence)
  6. we take pleasure in advising
  7. we trust
  8. wish to advise
  9. wish to state
  10. with kindest regards
  11. with reference to
  12. with your kind permission
  13. would advise
  14. would state
  15. would wish to

Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "Y"

  1. your esteemed order
  2. your favor has come to hand
  3. your future patronage
  4. your kind indulgence
  5. your letter of even date
  6. your letter of recent date
  7. your Mr.____________________
  8. your valued patronage
  9. yours of even date
  10. yours of recent date
  11. yours duly received
  12. yours kindly
  13. yours with regard to above
  14. yours with respect to same



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My Writing Skills: Old-Fashioned Business Phrases List (Antiquated Phrases)
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases List (Antiquated Phrases)
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