WritingSkills.my.id - The following are old-fashioned business phrases or antiquated business phrases . They sound stuffy and old; use t...
WritingSkills.my.id - The following are old-fashioned business phrases or antiquated business phrases. They sound stuffy and old; use them sparingly, if at all! Read your copy out loud; if it doesn't sound like something you would say in a normal conversation, rewrite it.
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases List A-Z
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "A"
- according to our records
- acknowledge receipt of
- acknowledge with pleasure
- acknowledging yours of
- as captioned above
- as per
- as regards
- as stated above
- assuring you of
- at all times
- at an early date
- at hand
- at the present time
- at the present writing
- at this time
- at your convenience
- attached hereto
- attached herewith
- attached please find
- awaiting your further wishes
- awaiting your order
- awaiting your reply
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "B"
- beg to acknowledge
- beg to advise
- beg to assure
- beg to call your attention
- beg to confirm
- beg to state
- beg to suggest
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "C"
- carefully noted
- check to cover
- complying with your request
- concerning yours of
- contents noted
- contents duly noted
- continued patronage
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "D"
- deem (for think)
- desire to state
- due to the fact
- duly noted
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "E"
- enclosed find
- enclosed herewith
- enclosed please find
- esteemed favor
- esteemed order
- esteemed request
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "F"
- favor us with your order
- favor us with your reply
- for your files
- for your information
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "H"
- hand you herewith
- has come to hand
- have before us
- hereby advise
- hereby insist
- herewith enclose
- herewith find
- herewith please find
- hoping for your order
- hoping to receive
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "I"
- I am (ending last sentence)
- I beg to advise
- I have your letter of
- I trust
- in accordance with
- in answer to same
- in answer to yours
- in conclusion would state
- in connection therewith
- in due course
- in due course of time
- in re
- in reference to
- in receipt of
- in reply would advise
- in reply would wish
- in response to yours
- in the amount of
- in the near future
- in this connection
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "K"
- kind indulgence
- kind order
- kindly advice
- kindly be advised
- kindly confirm same
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "L"
- looking forward to
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "M"
- may we suggest
- may we hope to receive
- meets your approval
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "O"
- of above date
- order has gone forward
- our Mr.____________________
- our line
- our records show
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "P"
- per
- permit us to remind
- please accept
- please advise (be advised)
- please find herewith
- please find enclosed
- please note
- please rest assured
- please return same
- pleasure of a reply
- proximo (prox.)
- pursuant to
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "R"
- re
- recent date
- referring to yours of
- regarding the matter
- regarding the above
- regarding said order
- regarding yours
- regret to advise
- regret to inform
- regret to state
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "S"
- said (the said regulation)
- same (regarding same)
- soliciting your advise
- soliciting your indulgence
- soliciting your patronage
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "T"
- take the pleasure in
- take the liberty of
- thank you kindly
- thanking you in anticipation
- thanking you in advance
- thanking you kindly
- the writer
- this is to acknowledge
- this is to advise
- trusting to have
- trusting to receive same
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "U"
- ultimo (ult.)
- under separate cover
- up to this writing
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "V"
- valued favor
- valued order
- valued patronage
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "W"
- we are (ending last sentence)
- we are pleased to advise
- we are pleased to note
- we have before us
- we remain (ending last sentence)
- we take pleasure in advising
- we trust
- wish to advise
- wish to state
- with kindest regards
- with reference to
- with your kind permission
- would advise
- would state
- would wish to
Old-Fashioned Business Phrases "Y"
- your esteemed order
- your favor has come to hand
- your future patronage
- your kind indulgence
- your letter of even date
- your letter of recent date
- your Mr.____________________
- your valued patronage
- yours of even date
- yours of recent date
- yours duly received
- yours kindly
- yours with regard to above
- yours with respect to same